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World War II in the Eyes of France
How My Interest On WWII Started

My beautiful village of Cassis
Superpower – is the word I heard mentioned several times growing up in Cassis, a little-known village south of France but not very far from Marseille. I could not comprehend what its significance was but I got a lot of interest when I heard that there’re countries which were referred to as superpowers. When the topic came up while in 4th Grade as we were tackling a history lesson, I could not afford even to wink my eyes as I wanted to pay full attention to the teacher as he took us through the history of our country.
The two hours lesson and many other lessons afterward could not meet my quest for knowing all about the superpowers but I was introduced to yet another interesting topic about the WWII.
It’s inborn, the desire for a male figure to dominate and that’s why from young age boys shove and fight all in the name of dominating. And I thought it was very interesting to learn how countries shoved and battled for supremacy during the WWI and Later WWII, but I felt sorry for my home country of France to learn how we got beaten by Germans earlier in the 19th century.
Why would our leaders allow us to be beaten? Was my misgiving for those leaders who took us down that route but in order to have grounds of blaming them squarely, I sought to learn how it happened and when was the first time we got kicked, fell, rose and lived to fight another day?
Battle Of Ramillies
23 May 1706
This took me to the battle of Ramillies where it didn’t go as we planned, to the WWI where we were badly injured to the WWII where we were knocked down by the Germans.
But don’t you think France is courageous? We never remain down even after losing, we rise, dust ourselves negotiate here and there and life moves on. But above all we are peace-loving, that’s why we opt for dialogue rather than the guns.

I find the rich history of WWII fascinating.
The happenings surrounding the WWII were rather interesting and which made me continue to yearn for more especially the many fascinating facts that probably never got to be written much about. I have found myself going to the great length of trying to find the last written copy of events surrounding France during the WWII and truly there’s a lot of interesting facts that I have come across.
I know historians and scholars would also find this information helpful and that’s what inspired me to have a blog on it. Those who love war games like the PC4WAR Magazine and who could be looking for a hobby to substitute for the magazine can have this blog as their next forum to spend a worthwhile time updating on the interesting happenings surrounding France during the WWII.